AWS Explained

How to Choose a Cloud Service Provider

How to Choose a Cloud Service Provider… and Why It Should Probably Be AWS


This post discusses how to choose a cloud service provider and how each of the major choices compares with the others.

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AWS Lambda Logo

AWS Lambda Use Cases: When You Should Use It?


Lambda, and Serverless in general, is rather “in” right now in the world of cloud computing. So, how much of the marketing spiel should you listen to – how do you know when to use Lambda?

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Abstract graphic on blue background depicting scaling PHP applications on AWS

Scaling PHP Applications on AWS


Adriano explains how to improve PHP performance on AWS, including caching and hardware, and the PHP development process.

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Abracts graphic on blue background depicting best practices for AWS on PHP

PHP on AWS: Best Practices to Improve App Performance


Adriano explains best practices for improving PHP performance on AWS, including caching and hardware, and the PHP development process.

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AWS Best Practices for Edtech Companies

AWS Best Practices for EdTech Companies


EdTech apps on AWS need high availability and performance, and must be secure and scalable. Marc describes how to achieve this in a cost-effective way.

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Graphic depicting Laravel on AWS

Optimizing and Horizontally Scaling Laravel on AWS


Adriano explains how to horizontally scale Laravel on AWS and recommends ways to optimize web applications built with the Laravel PHP framework.

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5 Steps to a Successful

AWS Migration