AWS Explained

AWS API Gateway Pricing Explained


Lead Engineer Jon describes the pricing structure of AWS’ staggeringly cheap managed API service, including allowances of its free tier, caching costs and websockets.

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Scalable Magento Deployments on AWS

Magento on AWS: Best Practices for Optimized, Scalable Deployments


Magento is resource-intensive with high up-front costs, and requires hosting tailored for best performance. Marc details actionable best practices for scalable Magento deployments on AWS.

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Graphic of paper and magnifying glass to depict AWS Glossary

AWS Glossary: Acronym & Terminology Cheat Sheet

Our knowledgeable Lead AWS Cloud Engineer explains the AWS terms you’re likely to need to explain to your leadership team. Smartly grouped by Storage, Messaging, Database Services, Networking and, well, Other Bits.

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Abstract graphic on blue background

WooCommerce on AWS Best Practices for Scalable Deployments


WooCommerce sites can be vulnerable to performance issues, and complicated to scale. Marc shares how to keep your installation clean and up-to-date, and when you should choose to work with an established AWS MSP.

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Graphic depicting AWS ecommerce website

AWS Ecommerce Best Practices


AWS provides a secure, high-performance infrastructure that can scale to any size e-commerce website. Marc’s best practice guidance on platforms, performance and scaling will help you make the right choices for your e-commerce business.

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Graphic of suitcase with tag on handle, depicting AWS tagging best practices

AWS Tagging Best Practices


Do you have a tagging strategy? AWS tagging improves efficiency across departments, from development to billing. And tags aren’t just for humans – they can literally save your business money by identifying resources for task automation.

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5 Steps to a Successful

AWS Migration