Learn how to save 30% or more on your bill immediately with our AWS cost saving measures.*
AWS Cost Optimization
Let Logicata help you optimize your AWS costs to free up valuable cash you can invest in growing your business.
*They’re much more than just cost saving tips!

Logicata’s AWS Cost Optimization
Will Help You With
Instance Rightsizing
Why pay for resources that aren’t being used? Rightsizing ensures your AWS cloud environment is lean and efficient by identifying where resources are underutilized. Newer generation instances are often more cost-effective than their legacy predecessors—we’ll help you to identify where switching to new instance types could save you money without causing you engineering headaches.
In-Depth Analysis
Our approach is mindful of peaks in demand. We carefully select resources that can safely operate on smaller instance sizes without compromising performance in any way. We know that not all workloads will be supported on all instance types, so we’re not going to make recommendations that will cause you more problems than they will solve.
Instance Reservation
Leverage Long-Term Savings
We identify opportunities to purchase reserved RDS and EC2 instans. Committing to resources in advance can generate significant savings over hourly billing. Reserved instances can be purchased for a 1 or 3-year term and have payment options of all upfront, part upfront or no upfront—you could save up to 75% over on-demand pricing.
Reserved Instance Rebalancing
Are you sure that all of the reserved instances you are paying for have been properly applied to your AWS workloads? Logicata will help you to ensure that all your purchased reserved instances are being fully utilized.
Resource Scheduling
Reduce Costs In Idle Periods
Why pay for resources that nobody is accessing? We’ll show you when you are accruing the most costs and how to reduce spend at other times of the day.
Power Down Non-Production Resources
Do your developers and testers really work all evening and all weekend? There are 40 hours in the working week and 168 hours in a calendar week—that’s a huge difference, not to mention a huge cost to your business. We can automate the power on/power off schedule for development and test environments to save 60-70% of run costs.
Billing Management & Chargeback
Understand Complex Cloud Billing
Our billing management tools and experts help you to understand the increasingly complex world of public cloud billing.
Ensure Resources Are Charged Back
Want to know which department is spending the most on AWS? Want to know who your most expensive developer is? Want to know which of your products has the highest cost base? By implementing a detailed tagging policy, Logicata can ensure that you are able to charge back cloud resources to the appropriate teams within your business.
Reporting & Implementation
AWS Cost Optimization Report
We produce a detailed cost optimization report with actionable recommendations to help you keep your AWS cloud costs under control. We’ll also give you online access to the tool that we use to generate the recommendations (this keeps us honest). The report comes in an executive summary format that can be easily circulated around your organization—your executives won’t be interested in logging into the tool and learning how to interpret the results.
Recommendation Implementation
Don’t have the time or resources to implement our recommendations? Given the right level of access, Logicata cloud experts can carefully action all recommendations in accordance with your existing change management processes to ensure that your AWS cloud costs are optimized.
Saved 30% on our AWS bills
“We’re delighted to have saved 30% on our monthly AWS bills. And that drops straight to our bottom line.”
Paul Fletcher
CEO Charanga
Meaningful Savings
“We’re pleased with how a few changes to our AWS environment, with no operational impact, has resulted in delivering a reduction in costs. Click here to read the case study.”
Steve Fleming
Chief Strategy Officer, Opus 2
Looking to save Money on your nextAWS bill?
Let’s talk -if we can’t reduce your bill in a meaningful way, we’ll be straight forward about it and there won’t be any charge.